불합격 취약 세목 확인
B등급 수직 분리
- 500ft
Cruise 5000
- "N216BD Cruise 8,000'." When ATC issues this clearance, the block of airspace between the minimum IFR altitude to the altitude in your clearance is yours to use. You can climb, descend, and level off at any intermediate altitude within the block of airspace, all the way to your destination under IFR.2019. 3. 30.
Ils 말단 폭
- left ↔ right full scale 700ft
C공역 업무
기압고도 밀도고도 같을때 언제?
- 대기 표준 온도 일 때
Holding obstacle altitude
- 1000ft
Climb at pilot decretion
- 활용) 강하시기, 강하율을 조종사가 판단하여 내려가라
- When used in conjunction with altitude assignments, pilot’s discretion “means that ATC has offered the pilot the option of starting climb or descent whenever he/she wishes and conducting the climb or descent at any rate he/she wishes. He/she may temporarily level off at any intermediate altitude. However, once he/she has vacated an altitude, he/she may not return to that altitude,” explains the Pilot/Controller Glossary.
Visual approach 기상 최저치
레이더 벡터 중 Final approach course 지날때
- remain heading and
정밀, 비정밀 접근 고도 기준 TDZE, HAT, HAA
Pitot & Drain hole Blockage
- If the pitot tube becomes blocked, and its drain hole remains clear, the airspeed will read zero.
- If the pitot tube and its drain hole are blocked, the airspeed indicator will act like an altimeter, reading higher airspeeds with an increase in altitude. This situation can be dangerous if not recognized immediately.
- If the static port(s) become blocked and the pitot tube remains operable, the airspeed indicator will barely work and indications will be inaccurate. The altimeter will freeze in a place where the blockage occurred and the VSI will indicate zero.
'Aviation > IFR(Instrument Flight Rating)' 카테고리의 다른 글
2020. 02. 06. IFR 계기한정 필기시험 (불합격 취약세목) (0) | 2020.06.02 |